David Wood


Liverpool born, I moved to Cambridge to further my education by taking a degree in Illustration. Cambridge is now my base, with its local and surrounding landscape and people my inspiration.

My continued growth and ambition for my work, has led on to many amazing opportunities and experiences for me, including being thrown out of Momart, Paris, portrait artist at All Saints Craft Fair, Cambridge, and exhibiting at the Banqueting House, London, where I won the award for “Most Innovative Artist”.

When it comes to the resources I refer to for creating a painting, I am not ashamed to admit that I am a bit of a magpie. I value draftmanship greatly; I attend life drawing, draw and paint from life as often as I can. Using photographic imagery as reference to create work, either torn out of newspapers or magazines and also taking my own photographs has advantages; particularly useful for inspiring a specific light effect, texture or bodily pose. The painting then develops beyond the original resource(s), through the planning of the image, technique of painting and use of chiaroscuro and colour.

Currently, the subject of my work is drawn from local scenes and characters, then composing these elements into images that can suggest a narrative but exist equally as beautiful paintings. I really enjoy painting scenes that engage with the gritty realism of life and the world we live in; equally I have a passion for creating pictures that portray a more romantic and dream like imagery.